Thursday, May 5, 2016

Tesla Model S (2016 HW Green Speed)

If I'm not mistaken, this is the third color Hot Wheels has released of the Tesla Model S. Either way, we have a navy one this time, doesn't look too bad!


  1. Very nice casting. I think this is my fave so far in the Tesla line. Good job on your blog as well, Julian. Can I subscribe to it?

    1. Agreed, it's pretty awesome. Thanks! And yes, towards the top right there should be buttons to subscribe, thanks.

  2. I actually own one of these and its not too far off of being the same size of a Tesla Key Fob.

  3. The Model S is still in the testing stages, more than 10-million miles of genuine driving criticism from drivers who possess the Tesla Roaster have gone into the production of the Model S. used vehicles for sale
