Saturday, November 21, 2015

Neet Streeter (Heritage Series - Real Riders)

Flat black? Yup. People love it or hate it, or it just depends on the car? Whatever it may be, I think this casting pulls it off rather well, what do you think?


  1. Back on the early 70s I owned an Oldie but a Goodie version. It was one of the toughest both in great looks & durability, plus fast on the tracks. My old original HW collection has been long gone & I haven't been interested in adding another Neet Streeter to my current collection until this 2015 version was issued. I had to snatch up a few of them while they're available! Best paint scheme ever for the infamous Neet Streeter. Just goes to show the strong improvements taking place in the modern designer department.Five stars from a few of us.

    1. It's a pretty sweet casting, especially this version, it looks really nice in flat black! Agreed!

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