Sunday, February 8, 2015

2000 Kung Fu Force Series - '99 Mustang & Shadow Jet II & Mini Truck (RAOK Package from Mason)

Here is the second part of the package from Mason! This post is featuring some older cars from the Kung Fu Force Series back from the year 2000! Check out those swirl wheels, they don't make those anymore sadly, but that's what makes the older cars more awesome right? Anyways, it's thanks to Mason I was able to obtain these cool castings!

'99 Ford Mustang

Shadow Jet II

Mini Truck 


  1. Dude, these look awesome out of the box and on your race track! The Shadow Jet II is my favorite of the bunch.I will keep my eyes peeled for the Kung Fu Force Toyota MR2.

    By the way, I finally got a new phone, so I can take a pic of all the sweet older Hot Wheels at that antique mall. I'll send you some pics and you can let me know if there's anything you'd be interested in. :)

    1. They definitely do for sure! I'm stuck between the Mini Truck and the Shadow Jet II, I really like that green on the Mini Truck but I like the casting of the Shadow Jet II as well. Alright cool, then that would complete that set!

      Oh awesome! Thanks for the help, it'll be cool to see what they have.
