Sunday, August 24, 2014

Extreme Shoxx - Rockster & Baja Truck & Rip Shredder

This is something new I just found at Toys R Us, Extreme Shoxx! Basically, these cars have working suspensions which is pretty awesome. And the cooler part of that is that you can control the suspension from max suspension to no suspension by twisting the tire on top of each vehicle, how neat is that? Anyways, I bought three in total so far, a blue Rockster, a white Baja Truck, and a green Rip Shredder!


Baja Truck

Rip Shredder


  1. cool.i might have to get one,p.s. about rip shredder,there is no regular car for it,it just was one of the cars in the worlds best driver challenge

    1. Is that right? I didn't know that, thanks for the info! Perhaps a regular car version of it may come out some time.
