Saturday, June 14, 2014

2000 Designer Dreamz 2-Car Set - Bizarro (Cadillac)

Alright, the title says 2-car set but I don't actually have the other car since I bought this Bizarro loose alone for 99 cents, which was a great deal! Anyways, I'm pretty positive but I don't actually know for sure if this casting came from the 2000 Designer Dreamz 2-Car Set, but as far as my internet research went, I'm almost 100% positive that it is. And that is good enough right? I hope so. So, assuming it is from that set, you can click here to view a picture of the original set in its original packaging. As far as the casting itself goes, ignoring its origin, it's pretty cool! I love that old fashioned look, the presentation is nice! Check out how highly detailed this metal/metal casting with real riders is!


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